Оливер Твист Чарльза Диккенса (Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens). Приключения оливера твиста Домашнее чтение приключения оливера твиста перевод

Оливер Твист - адаптированная под оригинальный сюжет история о кротком мальчишке-сироте, жизнь которого похожа на американские горки. С рождения ему ведомы чувства холода, голода и унижения. В сиротском доме его посчитали строптивым, позволяющим себе наглость просить добавки юнцом и отправили служить гробовщику. Здесь условия не лучше, вдобавок Оливера регулярно колотит мальчишка Ноэ. Однажды дав достойный отпор, юный подмастерье бежит прочь и волей судьбы оказывается в Лондоне. Здесь он знакомится с воришкой. Тот отводит его в логово головореза и бандита Доукинса. Свои виды на мальчишку имеет Фейгин – предводитель убийц и ворюг города и всей окраины.
Но вот на Оливера снизошло благословение небес, он знакомится с добродетельным мистером Браунлоу, а позже оказывается в доме своей тети, о родстве с которой он и не догадывается. Появление родственничка не по нраву сводному брату Оливера Монксу. Тот всячески преграждает путь к достойной жизни несчастного сироты, предавая его в руки Фейгина. В итоге Оливер остается жить у мистера Браунлоу, а злоумышленники отправляются за решетку и на виселицу.

Оливер Твист - адаптированная под оригинальный сюжет история о кротком мальчишке-сироте, жизнь которого похожа на американские горки. С рождения ему ведомы чувства холода, голода и унижения. В сиротском доме его посчитали строптивым, позволяющим себе наглость просить добавки юнцом и отправили служить гробовщику. Здесь условия не лучше, вдобавок Оливера регулярно колотит мальчишка Ноэ. Однажды дав достойный отпор, юный подмастерье бежит прочь и волей судьбы оказывается в Лондоне. Здесь он знакомится с воришкой. Тот отводит его в логово головореза и бандита Доукинса. Свои виды на мальчишку имеет Фейгин – предводитель убийц и ворюг города и всей окраины.
Но вот на Оливера снизошло благословение небес, он знакомится с добродетельным мистером Браунлоу, а позже оказывается в доме своей тети, о родстве с которой он и не догадывается. Появление родственничка не по нраву сводному брату Оливера Монксу. Тот всячески преграждает путь к достойной жизни несчастного сироты, предавая его в руки Фейгина. В итоге Оливер остается жить у мистера Браунлоу, а злоумышленники отправляются за решетку и на виселицу.

на английском языке

Яковлева Марина Сергеевна


Представленный сценарий основан на адаптированной версии Дж. Дули по роману Чарльза Диккенса «Оливер Твист».

Театрализованное представление является заключительным этапом проектной деятельности по теме «Выдающиеся английские писатели: Чарльз Диккенс».

Работа над проектом велась на уроках английского языка (домашнее чтение) в течение нескольких месяцев. При чтении произведения особое внимание уделялось произношению и интонации. Учащиеся еще до выступления разыгрывали диалоги и отдельные сцены из книги. В дальнейшем участники проекта сами отбирали будущих исполнителей ролей.

Подготовка к спектаклю и само театрализованное представление в рамках настоящего проекта создает максимальные условия для проявления и становления творческих артистических возможностей учащихся.

Работа над проектом развивает воображение, фантазию, коллективную ответственность за результат совместной деятельности и приносит удовлетворение ученикам, видящим продукт своего собственного труда.

Такие формы презентации как театрализованное представление являются также частью речевой практики и интегративного развития коммуникативных умений иноязычного речевого общения как вид работы по поддержанию достигнутого уровня, совершенствованию и углублению подготовки учащихся.

Представленный сценарий может быть использован в рамках внеклассной работы по предмету.


Hi, Jane! I haven’t seen you for ages!

Hello Mike, glad to meet you.

Are you in a hurry? I’m going to have a snack. Will you join me ? We can chat a little.

With great pleasure but not today. I`m to learn my part for our school play “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens.

Really! It’s great! I’m sure it’s a kind of a tearful love story.

Nothing of the kind! It’s about a small boy, whose mother had died in a workhouse giving him birth. His life was very hard and full of mystery.

Аnd what is “workhouse”?

“Many years ago in England the re were special places called workhouses, where poor people went to live when they had no money or work, no families. Most of them had nowhere else to go. They worked for food and shelter”.

Oh, how interesting! I like history. Charles Dickens is buried in Westminster Abbey isn’t he?

You’re right he is.

I was in London last year and I saw his grave. But I haven’t read any of his books.

I’ve got only one at home. And it’s “Oliver Twist”.

Call me tomorrow.

Done. Good - bye, Jane.

Mr. Brown, a doctor (or Mrs. Brown)

A room in a workhouse. Sally is sitting with the doctor at the table, drinking tea.

What awful weather it is today!

It’s a real storm Sally

Some more tea doctor?

Oh, no, thanks. How long have you been living here Sally.

For fifty years, Mr. Brown, for fifty years. And it wasn’t an easy life, believe me.

The knock at the door

Don’t you hear?

Somebody has knocked at the door.

Who is there I wonder?

They open the door and help the young woman in.

Come in dear. Feel at home. It’s a very bad idea to go out of the house in such bad weather

The woman faints.

Oh, my God, she is pregnant!

The woman comes to herself

Don’t be afraid, dear. Your child will be born soon, don’t worry! Boil some water Sally. I’ll prepare everything.

Doctor goes out.

I’ve had thirteen children and I’ve often helped the doctor when a child was born. Close your eyes now and try to rest.

My good woman, help me, please

The woman takes off the gold chain with a locket

Take these things… please, keep them safe for my child… I’m very sick! I don’t think I’ll live to see the baby.

Sally puts the chain into her pocket

Don’t talk like that. You’ll need all your strength for the birth!

Come with me dear, you mustn’t think about dying.

Doctor takes the woman to another room. After some time the baby`s cry is heard. Doctor comes out with the baby in his hands. He gives the baby to Sally

“Well Sally, I’m afraid there’s nothing more I can do here. She died. She was too weak. Where did she come from?

I don’t know, but she walked a long way to get here. Her shoes were worn out”.

And the baby’s father?

We don’t know anything about him. May be he’s dead. She arrived here alone.

Poor girl! I have to prepare everything for the burial. Till tomorrow Sally.

Good bye, doctor.

Sally looks at the child and puts him in a cradle. She sits down and takes the chain and a locket out of her pocket.

What have we got here? Oh, two locks of hair … two portraits and a wedding ring…

“A very sad story. Poor baby… I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep these things and sell them myself. Then I can have a bit of money now that I’m old”.

Scene II

a manager of the

workhouse Mr. Sowerberry, a coffin maker

Oliver Twist Clara, his wife.

Master (or mistress) Noah the boy who works with the coffin maker.

Nine years passed. Mr. Bumble brings Oliver to the men’s workhouse

Now Oliver you begin a new life. I’m Mr. Bumble the manager of the workhouse. Your surname will be … Twist. Oliver Twist. Well, a nice name, isn’t it?

Yes, sir. I like it.

You must know that I’m very, very strict. If anyone in the workhouse does anything wrong, I hit them with this stick

He shows Oliver a stick

What, I don’t hear!

Yes, sir, I see it.

Well… Every day you’ll get a bowl of soup and a piece of bread on Sundays. Be a good boy.

What, I don’t hear!

I’ll be a good boy, sir.

Go, then, this young man will show you your place.

Oliver is brought to the dining room

Hi, Oliver. Welcome to our hell. Have you got anything to eat?

No, I’m hungry myself. We never had enough to eat in another house and never heard a kind word there. I hoped that it wouldbe better here.

Better? The soup they serve is mostly water. We eat bread only once a week and it is so dry that we can break our teeth.

We are so hungry that we decided that someone had to ask for more food.

If one boy gets more soup we can all get more. Let’s draw lots.

The boys pull sticks

Well, you are to do it Oliver

appears Master of the workhouse

Dinner! You, young bastards, dinner!

Master serves the soup, the children swallow the soup at once

Go on then Oliver, ask for some more!

Oliver holds out his bowl

Please, sir. I want some more

Please, sir, I’m hungry I want some more.

Master hits Oliver with his soup spoon.

Mr. Bumble, Mr. Bumble!

What’s the matter Master?

Oliver Twist wants more soup!

“What ?! I can’t believe my ears! No one has ever asked for more! Oliver Twist, you are a bad, ungrateful boy! I’ll lock you in a dark cellar with rats!”

Mr. Bumble takes Oliver away shaking him.

He puts a notice on the door of the workhouse

“Do you want a boy to learn a useful job? We will give 5 pounds to anyone who takes him”.

On his way back Mr. Bumble meets Mr. Sowerberry, the coffin maker.

Oh, good evening Mr. Sowerberry, do you know anyone who wants a boy - and five pounds?

I think I’ll take him. I need a boy to work in my shop.

But I would like to look at him.

Mr. Bumble brings Oliver to the room

Oh, he is small but very nice looking. What is your name boy?

Oliver Twist, sir.

Well you’ll come with me boy (he smiles)

Very well sir. Let’s make the arrangements.

Mr. Sowwerberry`s house.

Clara, will you come here for a moment, my dear (Oliver bows)

Hmm … he’s so small.

“Yes, he is small, but he`ll grow, ma’am.

Oh, yes, he’ll grow all right … on our food and drink! Get downstairs, you little bag of bones!

Charlotte, give this boy those bits of meat the dog didn’t eat. Your bed’s under the shop counter. There’s nowhere else, so enjoy sleeping in there - with the coffins (she laughs)”.

Morning in the house of Mr. Sowerberry. Oliver is making a wreath. Noah Claypole appears and kicks Oliver.

Hey, you, dirty beggar! Stand up! I’m Mister Noah Claypole and you must do what I tell you. Why is Mr. Sowerberry so kind to you, I wonder? Is it because of your pretty face?

I don’t know, sir.

Noah kicks Oliver again.

And where is your mother?

Oliver is about to cry

I heard your mother was a bad woman

Oliver jumps to his feet and hits Noah

Mrs. Sowerberry! Help! Oliver’s murdering me!

You, bloody beast!

She drags Oliver away

You `ll not get any food for the whole day. Go and sit with the coffins in your cellar till Mr. Sowerberry comes.

Oliver is sitting on the floor. He begins to pack his things.

I can’t stay here any longer. Mr. Sowerberry is a kind man. But he won’t believe me. I’ll run away to London and look for work there.

Oliver puts his things in a big handkerchief and leaves the house.

Scene III

Jack Dawkins (Artful Dodger)

Boy 1 An old gentleman

Boy 2 A man from a bookshop

Street in London. Oliver is sitting on a doorstep. A boy wearing a man’s coat and a top hat comes up to him

Hello, there. What’s the matter?

I’m very hungry and tired. I’ve been on the road for seven days,

Stay here and I’ll buy you something to eat

Jack brings bread and cold meat

My name is Jack Dawkins, but they call me the Artful Dodger. Have you got any money?

I suppose you want somewhere to sleep tonight, don’t you?

I know an old man who can help you. Come with me.

Thank you, very much!

The boys come to a big room. An old man with long greasy red hair is cooking something. A few boys are sitting around the table, playing cards.

A lot of silk handkerchiefs are hanging across the room.

Mr. Fagin, meet my friend, Oliver Twist!

Glad to meet you. Feel yourself at home, young man.

You, naughty boys!

Fagin laughs and playfully hit the boys with a fork

They like jokes!

Oliver stares at the handkerchief’s

We’ve just washed them up my dear!

You all are so cheerful and friendly! I’m happy to meet you.

Charley Bates and Jack give Fagin well-made wallets and handkerchiefs.

Look Oliver, what clever boys they are. They worked so hard. Would you like to learn to come home every day with wallets and handkerchiefs like these, hmm?

Oh, yes, sir if you teach me!

Fagin and the boys laugh.

Now we’ll play a game. I’ll put some things into my pocket and you try to take them out secretly. If I feel a hand in my pocket I’m the winner. If I don’t feel your hand, then you win.

They begin to play.

Do you want to play Oliver?

Oliver learns quickly.

Very well my boy.

Jack, Charley you may take him with you.

Charley, Jack and Oliver slowly walk along the street. Charley points towards an old gentleman standing with a book outside a bookshop.

Do you see that gentleman with a book ? He `ll do. He doesn’t seem to notice anything around.

Perfect! The book is very interesting isn`t it?

They laugh, then slowly come up to the man. Jack pulls the handkerchief out of his pocket. He turns to Oliver

Oliver is shocked. He doesn`t move.

You are thieves! My God! You are thieves!

Oliver tries to run, but an old gentleman catches hold of him.

An old gentleman:

Shame on you! You’ve stolen my handkerchief. I`ll take you to the police station!

A man from the bookshop:

This is not a thief. I saw everything from my shop. Two other boys had stolen the handkerchief!

An old gentleman:

The boy is ill. Get a carriage! I’m taking him to my home. My name is Mr. Brownlow. I’ll take care of him.

Scene IV

Mr. Brownlow, an old gentleman

Mrs. Bedwin, the housekeeper

Mr. Grimwig (or Mrs. Grimwig)

A sitting room in Mr. Brownlow`s house. Oliver is looking at the portrait of a young lady on the wall. Mrs. Bedwin comes in.

Do you like that picture, dear?

Yes. The lady’s face is so beautiful, but her eyes look sad.

If the picture makes you sad, you mustn’t look at it. I’ll move your chair so that you can’t see it.

She moves the chair. Mr. Brownlow comes in

How are you, my dear?

Very well now, thank you, sir.

Mr. Brownlow stares at the picture above Oliver’s chair.

Mrs. Bedwin, what’s this? Look at the boy’s face! Look at the picture!

Oliver’s face is exactly like the face in the picture! This portrait makes him sad. I’d better take it away.

You are right. He suffered so much in his short life! Oliver, I want to talk to you.

Oh please, sir. Don’t tell me you are going to send me away!

No, my dear child. I’ll never send you away!

A knock at the door. Mr. Grimwig comes.

Hello! What’s that?

This is Oliver Twist, the boy I told you about.

Don’t trust that boy. He has told you a pack of lies, or I’ll eat my hat.

Mrs. Bedwin comes in with some books.

I want to send some books back there.

Why don`t you let Oliver take them back to the shop.

Oh, yes, let me go, sir.

Very well. I trust you, Oliver. Take these books and this money and bring me ten shillings change.

Yes, sir, thank you! I’ll run all the way.

Oliver runs out. Mr. Brownlow looks at the clock.

He’ll be back in … twenty minutes!

“Do you really think he’ll come back? The boy has new clothes, five pounds and some books. He’ll go straight back to his friends, the thieves and laugh at you. If that boy comes back here tonight, I’ll eat my hat”.

Mr. Bedwin brings tea. From time to time they look at the watch.

It is rather late I’ll go. Good bye Mr. Brownlow. I have never liked boys, you know … He leaves the house.

Fagin’s room. Fagin is very angry.

How could you leave Oliver alone, you, stupid beasts! Where is he now I wonder.

We told him to run away but he could hardly move.

I’ll teach you a good lesson and you `ll never move at all.

He takes his stick. A man and a woman come in.

What’s all this noise? What’s going on in here?

“These stupid boys have lost Oliver and I’m afraid he will tell the police we’re thieves. We must find him before he talks!

Nancy can help us. The police doesn`t know she works with us”.

“Yes, Nancy, my dear, you can go to the police station. Tell them you’ve lost your little brother Oliver and find out where he is”.

An old gentlemen took him home. The old boy likes to read books.

Bill and Nancy! Watch the bookshop. Sooner or later we’ll find Oliver.

On his way to the bookshop Oliver meets Bill and Nancy. Nancy embraces him.

With tears in her voiceOliver, you bad boy! Where have you been? Our mother is so worried!

You young devil! Aren’t you ashamed? Oh, and what have you got there? Stolen books, eh? And money! That’s mine.

Bill snatches the money out of the boy’s hand and puts it in his pocket. Oliver tries to escape. They come to Fagin`s house.

Oliver, my dear! You’re looking very well … what have you got for us - books?

“I don’t care what you do to me, but please send the books back to Mr. Brownlow! He’s waiting for me and he’ll think I`ve stolen them”.

That’s, right! He’ll think you’re a thief! Excellent!

Oliver rushes towards the door. Fagin grabbed Oliver.

So, you want to run away again … you want to go to the police, eh? I’ll teach you not to do that!

He takes his stick. Nancy snatches it out of his hand and throws it away.

You’ve got the boy back, but I won’t let you hurt him!

Go to bed boy. You’ll have to work a little soon.

Nancy takes Oliver away

I saw the house, Fagin! There’s only one window without bars. It is too small for a man to get through!

Hmm … can a boy get in?

Yes … if he is very small and thin.

Well … Oliver’s very small and thin, Bill.

Fagin and Nancy enter the room where Oliver sleeps.

Fagin wakes Oliver up.

Oliver, you`ll go with Bill. He is a dangerous man. Don’t do anything to make him angry. He’s not afraid of blood! Nancy, dear, get the boy.

(speaking in a whisper) Listen to me Oliver. Do what Bill tells you. Don’t shout or cry or try to escape. If you do, he’ll kill both of us.

She takes the boy’s hand and they go away.

Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens retoldby Jenny Dooley. Express Publishing, 2003

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Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

Цитата по версии Дж. Дули «Оливер Твист»

    1 высокомерные и некомпетентные служащие

    2 герой


    Русские многозначные существительные герой, героиня относятся как к лицам, отличившимся своим мужеством, так и к лицам, вызывающим восхищение или воплощающим какие-либо хорошие качества, достойные подражания, так и действующим лицам литературных произведений. В английском языке эти значения передаются разными словами.

См. также в других словарях:

    ОЛИВЕР ТВИСТ - (англ. Oliver Twist), герой романа Ч.Диккенса «Приключения Оливера Твиста» (1837 1839), мальчик сирота, незаконнорожденный сын Эдварда Лифорда и Агнес Флеминг. О.Т. герой комбинации «романа воспитания» и «романа странствий». Типологически этот… … Литературные герои

    Оливер Твист - Первое издание «Приключений Оливера Твиста» с гравированной иллюстрацией Крукшенка. Приключения Оливера Твиста (Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy’s Progress; The Adventures of Oliver Twist) второй роман Чарльза Диккенса и первый в английской… … Википедия

    Оливер Твист (фильм) - У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливер Твист (значения). Оливер Твист Oliver Twist Жанр драма Режиссёр Роман Полански … Википедия

    Оливер Твист (значения) - Оливер Твист может означать: В литературе Приключения Оливера Твиста второй роман Чарльза Диккенса и первый в английской литературе, главным героем которого стал ребёнок. В кинематографе Оливер Твист экранизация 1948 года, реж. Дэвид Лин.… … Википедия

    Оливер Твист (фильм, 2005) - У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливер Твист (значения). Оливер Твист Oliver Twist … Википедия

    Оливер Твист (фильм, 1948) - У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливер Твист (значения). Оливер Твист Oliver Twist Жанр драма Режиссёр Дэвид Лин … Википедия

    Оливер Твист (фильм, 2007) - У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливер Твист (значения). Оливер Твист Oliver Twist Жанр драма Режиссёр Коки Гидройк … Википедия

    Оливер Твист (мультфильм) - У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливер Твист (значения). «Оливер Твист» (англ. «Oliver Twist») мультфильм. Экранизация диккенсовского романа «Приключения Оливера Твиста». Производство: Великобритания, 1982 год.… … Википедия

    Оливер! (фильм) - У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливер. Оливер! Oliver! Жанр … Википедия

    Оливер (фильм) - Оливер! Oliver! Жанр музыкальный фильм Режиссёр Кэрол Рид В главных ролях Оливер Рид … Википедия

    Оливер - Оливер мужское имя, но может быть и фамилией. Личное имя Оливер Вуд герой романов о Гарри Поттере, капитан школьной команды по квиддичу. Оливер Вуд английский кинооператор. Оливер Кан футбольный вратарь. Оливер Кромвель … … Википедия


  • Оливер Твист , Диккенс Ч.. Старая добрая Англия неласкова к сиротам и нищим детям. Знаменитый роман Чарльза Диккенса о мальчике Оливере, попавшем в шайку лондонских воров-попрошаек, но это история- со счастливым…